Commercial Buildings

Steel-structure buildings go far beyond simple warehouse facilities. Steel, as an incredibly versatile material, opens up a vast range of architectural possibilities. When combined with insulated panel boards, glass facades, and flat roof systems, it offers highly functional and aesthetically appealing solutions for commercial buildings. These structures are widely used across various industries, including manufacturing, retail, logistics, and aviation.

Modern Commercial building

Commercial building with offices, a showroom, a warehouse, and a production area.

Types of Commercial buildings

At Schwarzmann, all of our commercial buildings are custom-made. Our personalized approach ensures that we provide tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of each customer. Every project is unique, and our primary objective is to deliver spaces that are not only functional and high-quality but also aesthetically refined.

Commercial building with a parapet wall (flat roof appearance)

Commercial building designed to accommodate all company activities in one location

While there are no standardized types of commercial buildings, common configurations often include a combination of production areas, warehouses, and office spaces. For example, a commercial building might feature a production area alongside office space and storage, or it could be a combination of a showroom, office area, and warehouse. Additionally, the roofing and exterior design offer countless opportunities for creativity. A modern and attractive exterior is often a priority for commercial buildings, sometimes even outweighing cost considerations.

Advantages of Commercial buildings with Steel Structures

Steel-structure buildings provide several benefits over traditional construction methods:

  • Smaller Concrete Foundations: Steel structures reduce the need for large, costly concrete foundations.
  • Faster On-Site Construction: Since the steel components are pre-fabricated, the on-site construction process is quicker and more efficient.
  • Large Spans Without Intermediate Columns: For projects requiring expansive open spaces, such as aircraft hangars or large production facilities, steel structures are the most practical solution.
  • Long Lifespan: With proper care, these buildings can last over 30 years with minimal maintenance.

Our designs focus on integrating various operational areas into a single structure—whether it’s production, storage, administration, or sales. We work closely with clients to strategically position these areas, ensuring the most efficient use of space.

Features of Commercial buildings

Our commercial buildings are constructed using parts of a galvanized steel structure. Static calculations are performed to account for the specific location’s snow, wind, and seismic loads, adhering to EUROCODE standards. This guarantees the building’s resistance to environmental factors.

Roofing is typically done using insulated panel boards, with thicknesses ranging from 50 mm to 200 mm, depending on the building’s insulation needs. Glass walls, windows, doors, and other necessary equipment are also integrated based on the design. The minimum insulation thickness can be determined by the building’s intended us and defined by local regulations on energy efficiency in buildings. While the entire building is generally covered with panels of uniform thickness, certain walls may have different thicknesses to meet fire safety or insulation requirements.

For roofing, we typically use the Sika flat roof system, which allows for a roof slope of up to 2°, combined with a parapet for added stability and drainage.

Car showroom – Commercial building for car sales

Car Showroom – Exhibition Space and Offices

Requesting a Quote for a Commercial building

The planning of a commercial building often starts with the client working alongside an architect to create a conceptual design and obtain the necessary building permits. Based on this design, the client or architect will then seek a suitable contractor. We recommend engaging with us early in the planning phase so that we can help coordinate the most efficient solutions, both architecturally and for the final construction process.

If you already have a conceptual design, feel free to send it to us for a quote. If you’re still in the early planning stages, you can provide us with basic information such as dimensions, the number of floors, rough space allocation, insulation thickness, and desired equipment (windows, doors, etc.). We will then prepare an informative investment estimate, which can guide your decision-making process.

As part of the quote preparation, we usually create a 3D visualization of the building, including its placement on the site. This allows you to better envision the final appearance of your commercial building within its intended location.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Commercial building?

    A Commercial building is an insulated structure designed to meet the comprehensive spatial needs of a company. This can include areas for production, storage, and sales, providing a versatile solution for various business activities.

  • Does a Commercial building include offices?

    Yes, a commercial building can be designed to include office spaces. If required, we can construct a mezzanine to accommodate offices on the second floor, as well as install partition walls. However, the price of the building does not include office furnishings or installations like electrical wiring, HVAC systems, or lighting fixtures. These services are typically carried out by specialized companies.

  • What is the price of a Commercial building?

    The price of a commercial building varies based on several factors, including its dimensions, location, roofing materials, and the type of equipment installed. We approach each project individually, providing personalized advice on the best options and calculating the cost according to your specific needs.

  • Can you offer a turn-key Commercial building?

    We do not provide turn-key commercial buildings. Our expertise lies in constructing steel structures and their primary components. This includes erecting the steel frame, installing roofing, partition walls, mezzanines, and certain equipment like industrial sectional doors, PVC or aluminium windows, glass facades, and roof domes. Any remaining finishing work, such as utility installations and interior design, will be handled by specialized contractors.